If we're doing tablescapes, it must be Tuesday. It is! It's Tablescape Tuesday, hosted by the Tablescape Queen, Susan at Between Naps on the Porch.
My table is set for a "hens only" party. The only roosters invited are faux. Between pecking at our salad, there will be a lot of cackling going on at this party. I'll be serving a ham and turkey green salad.
I was so excited recently when I found these blue and white knives and forks at 75% off! The "charger" is really just an extra large blue glass plate that I found on clearance at an outlet store years ago. They were $1 each, so I purchased 12 of them, and I use them all of the time.
I bought the blue and yellow dinner plates in 2001. The reason I know the year is because they are the American Heritage Millennium Collection by Churchill. When I picked them up at the Flea Market, I remember thinking that someone bought these just to use just during the year 2000, but that I didn't have any problem using them any time, espcially since I was getting such a deal on them.
Patriotic images are featured around the rim of the plate.
I used silver polish on my salt cellar before I put it on the table, and I thought it looked pretty good until I looked at this picture! Yes, I did have my glasses on. Okay, this is "patina"! Right?
When the local Lowe's has tiles marked down, my husband feels a need to buy them, so he has a lot of different tiles in his workshop. I went out there and got some of them to use as coasters on the table.
For my centerpiece (if you can call it a centerpiece), I put a coffee mug tree in my rooster pitcher and hung rooster Christmas tree ornaments (which, of course, I got on sale after Christmas) on it. The guests may each take an ornament home when our lunch is over.
Bejeweled rooster Christmas ornaments.
Salad dressings will be served from my rooster juice glasses.


I am serving salad from this rooster serving bowl. I have another one of these bowls still in the box. I bought the rooster napkin rings at a flea market ($2.00 for a box of 12!).
The reason I have one of these large rooster serving bowls still in a box is that I want to send it to one of you. If you leave a comment on my blog before Friday, January 23, 2009, your name will be put into my bowl for a drawing to win the bowl that is still in the box. This is just my small way of saying thank you to all of you who have been so welcoming and so wonderful to me since I began this blog.

Thank you so much "D".
I bought the blue and yellow dinner plates in 2001. The reason I know the year is because they are the American Heritage Millennium Collection by Churchill. When I picked them up at the Flea Market, I remember thinking that someone bought these just to use just during the year 2000, but that I didn't have any problem using them any time, espcially since I was getting such a deal on them.

I am serving salad from this rooster serving bowl. I have another one of these bowls still in the box. I bought the rooster napkin rings at a flea market ($2.00 for a box of 12!).
This is my first give away, so I may not know exactly how to do this, but I think I'm supposed to ask you to include your email address if you leave a comment and you don't have a blog, so that I will be able to get in touch with you if you win. Apparently (from what I've read on other blogs), it costs too much to ship something outside of the Continental United States, so I am so sorry, but the winner will have to be within the Continental United States.
Charlotte at The Robbins Nest tagged me to do the 6th Picture Meme. Thank you Charlotte.
The rules:
Charlotte at The Robbins Nest tagged me to do the 6th Picture Meme. Thank you Charlotte.
The rules:
1.Go to your Picture Folder on your computer or wherever you store your pictures.2.Go to the 6th Folder, then pick the 6th picture in that folder.3,Post that picture on your blog and the story that goes along with the picture.4.Tag 6 other people that you know or don’t know to do the same thing, and send them an email letting them know you chose them.
I obviously need to do some clean up in my picture folders, since I still have pictures from my class reunion in 2007. This is Susie. She has been my friend since childhood, and talk about someone who should do a blog. She is a sweet, darling, creative, crafty, and talented person (can you tell she sometimes reads my blog?--just kidding Susie--you really are all of those things). She had set up a "memories" table at our class reunion. Susie is often referred to as "Party In A Box", because, whether it is in her home, or somewhere else, she uses all kinds of creative accessories to decorate for a celebration, so that everyone around her has a fabulous time.
All of you bloggers, go look at your 6th picture in your 6th folder, and if it's something you want to share, please consider yourself tagged!
My new blogging friend, "D" at Xashees Corner presented me with such a lovely award:

Thank you so much "D".
The rules are to share 7 random things about myself and then pass it onto 7 more bloggies.
There are probably not 7 things about me that I haven't already shared with you. My son tells me I "over-share". I can't wait to tell him that someone asked me to share!
1. Gloria at Happy To Be loves to make the joke that I sleep with the boss, because she did the same thing for a long time. Yes, I work with my husband; then I come home and cook his dinner. Working for my husband is not as bad as it sounds, because I have the most laid back husband I know. What is bad is that I work at all. Oh, how I want to retire (or really, what I want to do is work 2 days a week), but I'm afraid I spend too much money at flea markets to just have a 2 day a week job.
2. Some people think that because I work in my husband's office, I don't really work. Let me set that record straight right now. Our office is very busy, and I do all of his typing, and I also answer the phone. Someone has to be there, or things can get out of control very quickly. (I just don't think it has to be me -- sadly, he does though.)
3. I have one sister, who lives in Florida.
4. I have four grandchildren who are the most wonderful little people in the world (IMHO), and I am not one bit prejudice!
5. I live in the town where I grew up.
6. When my husband was in the military, we lived in Georgia for awhile.
7. When my husband was in the military, we lived in New Jersey for awhile.
3. I have one sister, who lives in Florida.
4. I have four grandchildren who are the most wonderful little people in the world (IMHO), and I am not one bit prejudice!
5. I live in the town where I grew up.
6. When my husband was in the military, we lived in Georgia for awhile.
7. When my husband was in the military, we lived in New Jersey for awhile.
If you need a post for your blog, please feel free to take this award and use this for a post, because I love all of the blogs whose writers come to visit me and would be glad to give any of you the "I Love Your Blog" award.
If you haven't been to The Robbins Nest or Xashees Corner, you need to go visit these very kind ladies and read their great blogs. Thanks so much Charlotte and "D".
Thank you for stopping in to visit me. Be sure you go to Between Naps on the Porch for the links to all of the great tablescapes today, and don't forget to leave me a comment, so you can enter the drawing for my give away. I love Blog Visitors! laurie
Hi Laurie..I love your hen party! Using tiles as coasters is such a cute idea! Your tablecloth is gorgeous and you didn't even mention it! Wow! Those rooster napkin rings were a real find! Oh heck..you know that if you like it, I like it, too! I din't know you had lived in Georgia! Where were you...in Columbus at Ft. Benning? Have a great day...Debbie
Love those rooster plates! Those ornaments are too cute also! I'm sure you will have a great time at that party!
What a great hen party--I want your recipe for the salad. The rooster plates are cute--love the tiles. What a great idea!
Really hope you were at Fort Stewart in Savannah. Savannah is so beautiful. It has been many years since I have been there, but I still remember all the stunning parks.
That rooster pitcher is gorgeous. He makes a lovely centerpiece. Of course that is "patina" on the salt cellar, that's what makes it so adorable. How thoughtful of you to provide such a lovely party favor for your guests. You sure know how to throw a "hen party".
Hi Laurie...I knew this was going to be a fun post when I read your title...LOL...You even have rooster juice glasses! You were a busy little poster & covered alot of territory & very well I might add...haha, now I know what year you graduated!! ;-) Bo
Hi Laurie, this is such a cute table! I love those napkin rings, and that flatware is perfect. I laughed when I read about all the tile, we have boxes of it in our garage also. Hugs, Kathy
I LOVE your American Heritage plates. Everything you used on the table goes together so well! I would adore winning the rooster bowl. Please enter my name! My e-mail address is on my profile.
Have a great day girl!
I love all your "chickens". The American Heritage plates are lovely. I am using Churchill plates in my tablescape today too.
Everything is just wonderful. So clever to use the tiles as coasters.
Alisa - Carolina Panache
I LOVE the colors you have chosen for your tablescape. They are my favorite. You really have some lovely things. I LOVE your cute roosters and tiles!
Have a great day today,
Well, it looks like you are ready for me to come and visit your hen party...nothing better than sittin' around with a great group of women and cacklin' at some funny stories.
Just lovin' everything rooster!
Oh my, I forgot to mention that the centerpiece is FANTASTIC ! How creative and cute!
What a wonderful rooster tablescape. I think the centerpiece is such a clever idea with the little rooster ornaments. How nice to have a small present for each guest. My email is marty39@cox.net. I would love to be in the drawing for the rooster bowl. Marty
I am a fellow rooster lover! Your tablescape was great. I, for one, like the patina on the salt cellar! I really like the idea of using tiles as coasters. Why didn't I think of that?? Those plates are unique--so much you can do with them, too! Thanks so much for sharing!
P.S. Please enter me in your drawing!! If it's got roosters you know I'll love it!
Love that you set up an ornament "tree" for your guests to take home favors...how thoughtful!
Oh my gosh, I love the rooster bowl! I have a favorite recipe for what we call "Chicken Riggies" in my hometown. They would look great being served out of this bowl! The recipe is posted on my blog too in case you want to try it!
Have a great day!
Now girl you know I am loving that flat ware I need it and I want it now...I really love those plates how could anyone want to just sell them is beyond me..and those ROO bowls hey toss my name in the hat..and I loved your meme and laurie I never worked for hard in my life as when I was sleeping with the boss..and then had to go home and wash his laundry..always said the only job I had that I could't quit and never got fires from...Ha ha!! great post today..hugs and smiles Gloria
Oh Laurie,I swear you are getting so good at this.This is lovely.I want to sign up for the gift too.You know I love roosters...Ann
Love your hen party! And I would LOVE to have found your flatware (I need to find some blue/white flatware)
Your table is beautiful..love all the extras you added!
I am a rooster lover so I love your unconventional centerpiece! I have never seen a rooster salt cellar...so cool!
ohhh how i LOVE your table!! Your salt cellar is BEAUTIFUL!! LOVE the tiles for coasters too!! GREAT thinking! :D how cool that the guests get to take something home too!! i absolutely LOVE your table setting! Thank you, too, for the blog mention! i would LOVE more visitors! Isn't it WONDERFUl how we all can meet online? :D Hope you have a FANTASTIC day!
Where in the WORLD did you find that salt? I have collected for years...never have seen one so cute! Great tablescape...but if you ever get tired of the salt....call me!!!!
Hi Laurie,
You are such a woman after my own heart. Your bargains are so good and I love love love this setting. I want those darling rooster glasses and where do you find salt cellars? I love yours, thanks for commenting on my tablescape I got the glasses years ago at TJ Maxx for a $1.00 a piece. I knew you'de like that deal. Have a nice Hen Lunch. Cindy
Hello there! My favorite part of your tablescape are the coaster tiles (thank you hubby) and the flatware. The entire table looks really lovely! Doodle-do back at you.
Such a wonderful thought out fun table. Honestly seeing all these roosters is really getting me into them....only problem being not that prevalent in the U.K..off a hunting I go.
Hi Laurie, I love roosters, also!
Your luncheon table is so nice. You have such clever ideas.
Please enter me in your giveaway. I would LOVE that bowl.
I am at this Cacklin Hen Party! Just love the napkin rings, the plates, the rooster, Oh and that bowl! Now I can not believe you have one in a box, just sign me up! lol The red rooster glass, used for dressing, great idea! Love the rooster pitcher, and the tree is adorable, and the flatware, what a find! The table cloth is wonderful too. OK, I am excited, I love chickens! Hen parties are so much fun! lol
Beautiful table Laurie! I'm in love with your tablecloth. Your chargers are wonderful. I didn't know there was such a thing until Susan clued me in... Now I can't find chargers that I think work with my dishes...
The rooster bowl is beautiful! Please add my name to the bowl... ♥ Diane
ps I love a patina on silver, & your little salt cellar rocks!
How sweet!! Send the chicken salad recipe!! do you put pecans or grapes in yours?
Love the cackling hen party--the best theme I have seen, very creative. (you could be a party planner) Love it all--please !please!please!put my name in the rooster drawing, I need a rooster in my hen house.
A fun posting with a lovely tablescape.
What a nice post! I like your tablescape. The centerpiece is so creative, but I love, love, love the blue and white eating utensils! Your tag is interesting. I love to find out more about those I like.
What a fun tablescape, Laurie! Love the patina on the salt cellar ;) Very clever centerpiece, too...roosters w/some bling!
Have a happy week!
Love your hen party tablescape! I've got several rooster items in my home. If I win your giveaway, you can email me at tammyh518@yahoo.com.
Love the blue and white flatware, Laurie! I'm going to miss using my blue and white dishes once the kitchen rehab is completed ... we'll still use them part of the time, but will be moving towards more solid white bistro-style. Have a great week!
Victoria :o)
Laurie, I love , love the tablescape, It is me, the roosters, flatware, yellow tablecloth. It is so cheerful and clever! Oh, and so Laurie! Love Ya! Connie
Oh so cute and whimsical, love the glasses, just all of it is fun!
And oh yes, I would love to win the bowl, throw my name in the pot!
That is nice of you!
Laurie..I adore the mix of Provence and Americana...what a great vision!
The feeling of Tuscany even sweeps in as well...all my favorite things on display..yes you have won my heart!
Love your hen party, Laurie. I am loving those patriotic blue and white Churchill plates and how lucky for you to find those matching flatware. They are so fabulous together. And you truly are a bargain hunter finding those lovely charger plates at that price. Nice table setting!...Chrtistine
What a great tablescape! You are so good at this too! Your centerpiece is SOOOO very creative, original and FUN!!!! And thoughtful to give the ornaments away to your guests. I would have loved to be one of the HENS...a cacilin along with you!:) Please add my name to the pot for the rooster dish! So sweet of you! Pinky
Hi Laurie! Beautiful Tablescape! Deb
Laurie, this is another great tablescape you have created...love it! Everything is so cute! My friend is okay...I deleted that post due to some privacy issues. She is overwhelmed by the thoughts and prayers sent her way and wants everyone to know how grateful she is:_-) Oooh, I'd love to win your giveaway!
Evening, Laurie! I want to come to your hen party, too! What a wonderful table you've set! I love those little rooster napkin rings and your centerpiece is marvelous! Only you would think of doing anything like this! The tiles are a great idea for coasters! Again, who but you would think of this?
Your heritage dishes are marvelous!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
I can cackle with the best!! Love your table; I'll be right over for lunch. Please put my name in the hat for that bowl! Sally
I want to come to your cackling party...I love roosters.
Your table looks cute. I love the blue plates under the millenium plates. Everything ties together so good. Great job.
Your Cackling Hens Luncheon setting is delightful. I enjoyed seeing how you put the various elements of the table setting together.
Hi Laurie,
How fun and so pretty!
I love the hen centerpiece.
You amaze me week after week with your stunning TT.
Great post! ~Melissa :)
I am a chicken/ rooster collector from years back, so I love your table. It is fantastic. I would love to be your lucky winner so here's my email since I am blogless
Have a great evening
Jean in Virginia
Hi Laurie! Where do I start?! I truly love everything, as usual! :-) The yellow and blue is so cheerful and uplifting for a January day. The rooster ornament centerpiece is so darn cute! I am pining for your blue and white flatware, and can't believe you got those rooster napkin rings for two dollars! Way to go!
The rooster serving bowl adds color and sass to the table, and I really love that you raided your husband's workshop for the tiles...they DO make fun coasters, and complement your setting perfectly. :-)
Laurie, what a fun party, I'm a bit late .. your rooster things are wonderful. I've never seen a rooster salt cellar.. oh my gosh I'm in love...And your flatware girlfriend would go oh soooo perfectly with so many of my blue dishes. :-) You must share where they came from. Now about that rooster give away honey, you have my email address, my shop address girl.. you even have one of the children from the shop... this plate would be so much at home here...can you tell I loved this post? Ok.. I'm off to catch up on some of the others.. hugs ~lynne~
Laurie, what a fun party, I'm a bit late .. your rooster things are wonderful. I've never seen a rooster salt cellar.. oh my gosh I'm in love...And your flatware girlfriend would go oh soooo perfectly with so many of my blue dishes. :-) You must share where they came from. Now about that rooster give away honey, you have my email address, my shop address girl.. you even have one of the children from the shop... this plate would be so much at home here...can you tell I loved this post? Ok.. I'm off to catch up on some of the others.. hugs ~lynne~
Cute table! Your dinner plates are perfect for today's occassion! Your salt cellar is adorable. I like the patina! (Yes, I have my glasses on...LOL). Your little rooster juice glasses are cute, too. What a great idea! ~ Robyn
Hi Laurie!
Well I'd love to be a hen pecking at your table. I really enjoyed how you put this all together!!
Laurie your Cracklin Hen Party table setting is awesome,The tiles from your husbands stash were just perfect for coasters.Love it all.I would love that rooster bowl,please put my name in the drawing bowl.
Hi Laurie, I love the rooster tablescape! I don't know if you remember my rooster centerpice on my island on RMS....but it has been there for 4 years and is going to stay. Just needs some dusting and new moss, lol!
Market is overwhelming! There is so much stuff it just kind of runs together. When Sherry owned the shop, we would go several times a year to restock the store. It was so hard to try and pick out things that other people might like. I just looked this time, You can't just order one thing anyway, you have to order 2 or sometimes 12, plus you have to meet the minimums. Anyway, thanks for stopping by, Sherry will appreciate your nice compliment. Kristen
Arthritis reminded me, it hangs around in my right arm, yesterday and I could not do much of anything on the computer!! So I missed this post until this morning,Laurie! I love your tablescape! It's beautiful!
Oh how I enjoyed your tablescape, Laurie! Of course I got a few chuckles with your comments too! Your pieces are so creative and gorgeous placed together. I love how you find so many darling things cheaply and then when thrown together it comes out so beautiful!
You are a great shopper. Your table is wonderful and very creative. You also sound like you have a lot of fun with it. I am new to this and I am having a blast. Thanks.
You are so fun and clever! I hope you guys cackle loud and proud!
I love your ideas for serving and the tile coaster.
Has anyone ever told you that you look like the very lovely Laura Bush?
Laurie, You are so creative. I love the tablescape for cackleing hens. I'd love to be a guest at one of your parties. Blessings, Deanie
Loving the roosters!!!Everything is beautiful! Kathy
Laurie what a beautiful tablescape. I really love the salt cellar.
Hey Laurie,
Thanks so much for visiting my beginner blogsite. I have been visiting your site for a while (thanks to Debbie) and I love your confetti idea on New Year's Eve for the grandchildren. I'm definitely going to do that! Love the blue & yellow.... and the rooster bowl and pitcher! I think that's the same rooster bowl I watched at Linens & Things and missed out (sigh). Also, I think you may have visited my daughter's blogsite....the story about the Lights at Christmas...was that you? Anyway, Blessings....Linda
I have to say this is one of my favorite tables settings I have seen on your blog. I LOVE blue and yellow together. LOVE it.
I have so many different settings myself and tablecloths and fun stuff...I should get with it too.
Hi Laurie,
Beautiful table setting for the cackling hens!
:) Diane
Ok I love your Hens party. What a great idea..and I love those tin roosters. NOW what I want to know-because I just "feel" I can ask you this-lol...IS when these tablescapes are done each week--are you guys eating on them? AND...who has so much stuff that they can create a new theme each week???? I think of doing one--but it might only be 1 or 2--lol.
OH and PLEASE count me in for your giveaway--that is a great gift!
Cluck. cluck, I'm here for the party.
I have passed a very special award to you! :)
Lovely Laurie~ It's such a JOY to see, once again, your flea-marketing/bargaining/creative prowess! You are TOOOO fun, and I ADORE the way you don't take yourself "TOOOO" seriously~~~ you know how to just relax and "let it happen"~~~~ I really WOULD have fun with you at your place, I just KNOW it!!! Thanks SOOO MUCH!!! Hugs, Linda
Love it, love it, love it! The tiles are really a special touch and who but you would of thought to use the mug holder as part of your centerpiece? Love the plates and your silverware, oh would I love to have those. Oh, please do put me in the drawing for the rooster bowl. I would just adore to have that beautiful bowl made even more special because it came from you. Love, Cindy
OH! I love it all, but especially love the bargains you got on those chargers and silverware. Let's go shopping! LOL! Happy Thursday!
Love the table for Hens only!! Your centerpiece is so cute!
GM Laurie...thanks for coming by and seeing the farm when I had the BIG birds..it was fun while it lasted..but after Wally died was really to much for me..my heart kinda went out at that point...Hope all is well with you and the BOSS man today...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Lemme guess....we're having chicken for lunch hehe. I think you did a great job with this table. The tile coasters are very clever. And I LIKE the patina on the little silver chicken!
Congratulations on the awards! I'm new to your blog and am enjoying my first visit very much.
I adore the tablescape. The colors, plates, the roosters..... It's so pretty. You've got an eye for putting it together! DebraK
Hi Laurie! Oh, you're still tempting me with all your roosters and chickens!
Thanks for the sweet visit today and
BE a sweetie,
Shelia :)
beautiful tablescape - I esp. love your silverware!!!!
about your comment tonight- I feel your pain. looking at that pristine white room - I wanted it sooo badly!!! I want to be clean and fresh and white, but it's not going to happen, which is totally depressing. Wasn't it beautiful?
You can never over share -- I love your writing!
Stop over at my blog....... Melisssa sent the award out to you and I mentioned I would have done you too, except she got there first. She told me to go ahead and write you anyway. So, enjoy it and post it and know you are appreciated,
You can never over share -- I love your writing!
Stop over at my blog....... Melisssa sent the award out to you and I mentioned I would have done you too, except she got there first. She told me to go ahead and write you anyway. So, enjoy it and post it and know you are appreciated,
Good Mornin' Girlfriend...
Just stopping by with a big ol' hug & a smooch for you...before I get busy today...hehe!!!
Girlfriend, I love, love, love your "hen party" tablescape!!! That centerpiece is darling...you always come up with the very best centerpieces! I always save them to my computer for future ideas!!! What a fun and irresistable table!!!
Well Sweetie, hope you have a wonderful weekend...got any plans?
Love ya,
GM Laurie...thanks girl for adding my baby Kyra to your pray list this does mean the world to me..thank for coming by...hope you have a great weekend with the BOSS...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Oh Laurie, Your tablescape is SO pretty! I LOVE your tablecloth! And what a great and creative idea for coasters! Every little detail is lovely!
And congrats on awards! You certainly do deserve them!
Thanks for your prayers for our family last week! They meant so much to us! ~hugs, Rhonda :)
What a great party this would have been to go to!! Imagine the "group" sitting around this table.. your hubby would definetly want to leave with all the cackling going on.. lol. thanks for the visit and kind words Laurie. I hope you're having a good day your way. Hugs ~lynne~
Hi Laurie - just dropping in to catch up and see what you were doing? Your table is lovely and those tiles look like some we have on our patio - we had some extras that I'd thought about using in the kitchen and never did, so we put them out there!!
Have a good weekend ~
I love your hen party idea! The table looks so good. I wanna have a party now... LOL
I used to have those same patriotic plates :) I just recently found a new home for them.
I love all of your roosters. I love the idea of using tiles as coasters, very clever. The whole table looks really cute!
Have a great weekend.
Laurie, great tablescape! I love you centerpiece and how you created it! That flatware is wonderful, I would definitely have snatched that up! And you know I love those little chicken salts...never seen any like that! Good use of hubby's tiles! :-)(Sorry taking me so long to get around to all the TT's for last week.) Thanks for another great TT!
I know I am veeery late to this post but I just had to tell ya that this is SUCH a beautiful tablescape! Love the centerpiece..what a creative idea, AND so nice that everyone gets to take home a "memory" from the Hen Event! :-) I also love the little salt cellars...and what a GREAT idea that you used the tiles for the coasters!! Really put the whole thing over the top!
Very pretty!:-) L~
Now how did I miss this amazing blog entry? Your hen party table is absolutely gorgeous! I love how you gathered all those pieces from different places and at different times. Using the tiles as coasters was brilliant!!
Beautiful tablescape! I haven't been blogging much, but I wanted to let you know that Jordan is improving. We've seen him several times in the last few month, and he looks really good! Thank you so much for your prayers.
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